
UI/UX | Research | Branding

Welcome to Orbit, the online platform where connections transcend age barriers. Orbit is a unique space designed to bridge generations through shared interests, hobbies, and passions. Our mission: to empower older and younger adults to learn, support, and build genuine connections. Seeking mentorship, friendship, or belonging? Orbit is your launchpad for thriving connections.

The project started with identifying a problem in America which could be solved using a digital product and AI feature. From this, my team and I decided to tackle the issue of loneliness in America, specifically in older generations such as seniors.

The Problem

The loneliness crisis in America is alarming, especially among seniors. With nearly 14 million elderly individuals living alone, and 40% of those aged 65 and older feeling isolated, the impact on health is profound, with risks including dementia and heart failure. Experts equate loneliness's effects to smoking 15 cigarettes daily. Additionally, the generation gap exacerbates this issue, fostering misunderstandings and tension between different age groups. Stereotypes and ageism further isolate individuals, making inter-generational connections challenging.

our goal

Combat senior isolation with a website that connects, teaches, and empowers persons of different generations, promoting a vibrant and connected life for our elderly community.

Asking the experts

We talked to two experts about the behaviors of seniors and young adults to understand our users better. Surprisingly, their insights changed our project's direction.

We talked to two experts about the behaviors of seniors and young adults to understand our users better. Surprisingly, their insights changed our project's direction.

Dr. Melinda Villagran

Executive Director, Translational Health Research Center, Expert on cognitive decline in seniors

ilonka walker

Program Coordinator at Generations United, an organization that focuses on promoting inter-generational collaboration and understanding.

Dr. Melinda Villagran

“Adopting technology is a great way to combat cognitive decline, though it cannot give the same endorphins your brain needs as a physical interaction. Seniors need these social interactions as they age.”

“As you age you are more likely to be isolated. Isolation has a direct effect on our health, depression can cause brain function loss.”

Ilonka Walker

“We encourage connecting generations through uplifting and amplifying the current programs, amplifying the success stories to normalize it.”

“Some of the benefits of connecting generations are that it decreases loneliness in seniors and gives a purpose of belonging. Learning more about our seniors and youth helps eliminate stereotypes of generations.”


After the interview, we needed to redirect our original idea of an app about matching seniors and youth in order to ensure genuine connections. After more research into youth groups who would need seniors just as much, our group landed on the idea of converting our digital product into a mentorship and connection site. Young adults without their own communities or families will be able to find everyday advice, help with their hobbies, or just companionship provided by more experienced seniors.

Groups such as international students and aged-out foster kids will be able to find connections here to somebody reminiscent of a family figure.


Sara young
18 | Foster Child | Nervous

Sarah, a once foster child, has started to get ready to enter the adult world. She seeks a connection with someone who can provide the warmth and support reminiscent of a family, offering a sense of belonging during this transitional period.

23 | Exchange Student | homesick

Lorenzo, an international student, has started college in America. Now that he’s here, Lorenzo realizes it is hard to make connections in a culture that is unknown. He finds himself homesick.

Emma olde
65 | Widow | Lonely

Emma is a widow who lives alone in a friendly neighborhood. She has family, but they live out of state and can only visit during the summer and the holiday season. While she enjoys her occasional interactions with her neighbors, they are few and far between and she finds herself lonely. Emma needs a way to connect with people of all ages in her area.

Desktop Prototype

Orbit is a web platform that provides easy access for it’s young and older users who may get confused when trying to download an app. It has a responsive mobile version as well.

Try the prototype for yourself: Desktop Prototype

Mobile Prototype

Orbits desktop interface is responsive and can be accessed on mobile for on the go fun.

Try the prototype for yourself: Mobile Prototype


Rolling Roots


Bird In Hand